Patient Services
- Patient Registration in CCAD (Chikitsa Chikitsak Apke Dwar) App
- Patient Registration: To enhance the Medical Services quality by leveraging the latest IT Technology. CCAD App is introduced, patient Registration is done by Unique ID (UID) , so that, Patient once registered at the MMU can access his medical records any time within the MMU deployed at any locations.
- Patient Registration done by capturing
- Demographic Details, Personal Details and Contact Details
- Unique ID generated will be used to track the already registered patients
- Patient Registration done by capturing
- Patient Registration: To enhance the Medical Services quality by leveraging the latest IT Technology. CCAD App is introduced, patient Registration is done by Unique ID (UID) , so that, Patient once registered at the MMU can access his medical records any time within the MMU deployed at any locations.
- Patient Electronic Medical Record Creation
- Entire details of examination, tests and treatment prescribed by the Doctor are recorded in electronic format under EMR of Patient
- Online Management of Patient Record
- Doctor Consultation – In person and through telemedicine
- The patient scheduled to consult the Field Doctor available on-board in Mobile Medical unit. Doctor consultation is guided by the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and records the same, for future reference.
- Doctor reviews Clinical Record updated by the ANM
- Patient assessment is captured in the Review of System (ROS) along with Physical Examination details
- Field Doctor can advise lab tests or issue prescription / medicines
- Field Doctor can initiate a Teleconsultation with Specialist Doctors as per the condition and emergency of the patient’s condition.
- Treatment Plan and Prescription are issued at the end of the Treatment
- Vitals capture and assessment
- The patient scheduled to consult the Field Doctor available on-board in Mobile Medical unit. Doctor consultation is guided by the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and records the same, for future reference.
- Capturing of Patient Vitals
- Essential Patient vitals are captured at the Registration and recorded into the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Vitals recorded are, Temperature, BP, Height, Weight, Age, Allergies and other parameters / information is captured directly into the Electronic Medical Record (EMR).
- Medicine dispensing
- Doctor on board of MMU can prescribe medications available in MMU based on the plan of care. These medicine are available at free of cost
- Lab Testing
- Doctor on board of MMU can also refer the patient to undergo various diagnostic tests for further investigation and assay. These tests are done at free of cost

Patient Registrations
App Downloads
Doctor Registration
Lab Pharmacy Services
Pharmacy Registrations

Quality care at your doorstep
Services Offered At Mobile Medical Unit Under CCAD
- Patient Registration
- Patient Electronic Medical Record Creation
- Online Management of Patient Record
- Doctor Consultation – In person and through telemedicine
- Vitals capture and assessment
- Medicine dispensing in the MMU
- Lab Testing in the MMU
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